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Since 1995, the Haiti Partnership of the Susquehanna and Upper New York Annual Conferences has been sending volunteer mission teams to Haiti to build schools and churches, to provide humanitarian aid, and to do God's work along-side the Haitian people. Our aim is to participate in sustainable development projects that are developed and run by Haitian church and community leaders. So much has been accomplished and so many lives have been changed. But there's still so much left to do.


Men, women, and youth age 17 and older are invited to join the Haiti Partnership as a mission team member.  We send several teams of up to 12 people in mission to Haiti each year.  Many of our volunteers are traveling to Haiti for the first time. Each volunteer raises $1,500 for their expenses, and the Helping Haiti Offering received by local churches, along with other contributions, pays for project costs and other ministries.  The volunteer’s payment covers all travel expenses – airfare, housing, van to NYC airport, tips, food, in-country travel, interpreter’s pay, travel insurance, etc.


For more information about becoming a Volunteer in Mission (VIM), click on the links under "For Volunteers" above, or email Jodi Crimmel by clicking on this icon:



Local churches are invited to participate in the Haiti Partnership by providing financial assistance, or by making school bags, hygiene kits, and birthing kits. Check out the menu for more information.



Coming Soon


     Pray for stability in the world, and for

an end to the pandemic.

We hope to be sending teams to Haiti again soon.


Here's one way you can help 

at this time  . . . 

– Monthly Sponsors Needed –

Hermitage School

(Click on the photo for more info)

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